Sanne Brännström

Sanne is a Tornedalian, photographer, outdoor experience coordinator and soon to be digital designer. She loves classic rock, retro stuff and all things wild and free. Right now she is living the vagabond lifewith her hockey-playing boyfriend and two active dogs”.

  • Articles


A wellness saga

On a typical summer day in June, we walk along a forest path in the Nalovardo mountain forest reserve. The wind is warm against our faces, the temperature just right, and the nature enchanting in its ...


Winter fat biking

It is a crisp January afternoon. The snow glistens in the last rays of the winter sun. The sky is a vision of romance with its various nuances of pink, characteristic for this time of year in Swedish ...


This website is made as part of the project AHKKA, co-financed by the European Union and Region Norrbotten.