Go by train

Going by train is easy and friendly. Eco-friendly and a great opportunity to meet new friends or spend quality time with yours.

  • Destinations


Go by train

vy.se All the way from Stockholm to Riksgränsen and you can even book a connecting bus to other destinations if needed.
norrtag.se The local train between Kiruna and Luleå, and Luleå and Haparanda.
inlandsbanan.se A train route available during summer, from Southern Sweden all the way up to Gällivare in Swedish Lapland.
thearcticroute.com The Arctic Route make it possible to experience Arctic Finnish and Swedish Lapland and northern Norway all on the same bus trip.

To get around by bus within Swedish Lapland, check out ltnbd.se and tabussen.nu.

For Covid-19 information for tourists in Sweden, please visit krisinformation.se.

In Swedish Lapland, nature is always the focal point. The vast, untamed nature, that is. Like the deep forests, the highest peaks and the most furiously flowing rivers. We have it all. And it’s no secret that the train is a nature-friendly way to travel.

On a train, you can leave your everyday life behind you, dial down the volume on your inner pulse and prepare for your stay in our arctic living room.

Relax in the dining car, have a chat with your fellow passengers, and watch the passing landscapes alternate.

Most popular train route is between Luleå and Kiruna. That way, you get to experience the islands of Swedish Lapland, the bustling city life by the coast, and the remote mountain area with Abisko National Park and the many ski resorts.

Are you going to the mountains? Usually, you can combine your train ticket with a bus ticket to your final destination. Take the train to Murjek, Gällivare, Kiruna or Abisko and take the bus from there. If you’re going to Vindelfjällen, take the train to Umeå.


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